Double the amount of Kakkonto extract PowderA! Keep it in your medicine cabinet!
Kakkonto Extract Granule A PREMIUM
60 (packets)
Liver hydrolyzate, 600 mg in daily dose.
Vitatreal LiverAll Tablet PREMIUM
540 (tablets)
To everyday health. Six effective ingredients work for eye fatigue, stiff shoulders, lower back pain, etc.
363 (tablets)
A premium version was launched for popular Yokuinin (coix seed) medicine in extract tablet form, containing 60-day's worth of medicine.
Vitatreal Yokuinin extract tablet PREMIUM
720 (tablets)
Item name list in the category
Kakkonto ExtractA60packets
Vitatreal®EXP363 Tablet
Liver All540 Tablet
Yokuinin extract720 Tablet
Neige White Plus240 Tablet
Condro Tablet200 Tablet
Quick-A Tablet180 Tablet