株式会社メディスンプラス Vitatreal商品サイト

Designated Type-2 OCT Drugs

Target age : 5 years +. An optimal cold medicine containing 180 tablets, suitable for home medicines.

Vitatreal Comprehensive Cold Medicine Gold S

Designated Type-2 OTC Drugs

180 (tablets)

Painkiller. It works quickly on headaches and menstrual cramps! Now in a lightweight, durable plastic container!

Vitatreal Quick A Tablet

Designated Type-2 OTC Drugs

180 (tablets)

General cold medicine which a baby over one year of age can take and other family members. A pack contains 44.sachets.

Vitatreal Gold A granule form

Designated Type-2 OCT Drugs

44 sachets

This medicine is in suppository form which works quickly for severe hemorrhoids symptoms.

Vitatreal A suppository

Designated Type-2 OCT Drugs

30 suppositories

Insertion-type ointment which works for severe symptoms of both outside and inside hemorrhoids.

Vitatreal A insertion-type ointment

Designated Type-2 OCT Drugs

2g X 10

Constipation drug made from senna, natural plant herb.

Vitatreal Senna granule

Designated Type-2 OTC Drugs

70 (packets)

For persons who have difficulty in falling asleep or suffer from shallow sleep.

Vitatreal sleep improving drug

Designated Type-2 OTC Drugs

10 (tablets)

Item list of the different type

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